arrEYE: a customized platform for high-resolution copy number analysis of coding and noncoding regions of known and candidate retinal dystrophy genes and retinal noncoding RNAs


Our goal was to design a customized microarray, arrEYE, for high-resolution copy number variant (CNV) analysis of known and candidate genes for inherited retinal dystrophy (iRD) and retina-expressed noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). arrEYE contains probes for the full genomic region of 106 known iRD genes, including those implicated in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) (the most frequent iRD), cone–rod dystrophies, macular dystrophies, and an additional 60 candidate iRD genes and 196 ncRNAs. Eight CNVs in iRD genes identified by other techniques were used as positive controls. The test cohort consisted of 57 patients with autosomal dominant, X-linked, or simplex RP. In an RP patient, a novel heterozygous deletion of exons 7 and 8 of the HGSNAT gene was identified: c.634-408_820+338delinsAGAATATG, p.(Glu212Glyfs*2). A known variant was found on the second allele: c.1843G>A, p.(Ala615Thr). Furthermore, we expanded the allelic spectrum of USH2A and RCBTB1 with novel CNVs. The arrEYE platform revealed subtle single-exon to larger CNVs in iRD genes that could be characterized at the nucleotide level, facilitated by the high resolution of the platform. We report the first CNV in HGSNAT that, combined with another mutation, leads to RP, further supporting its recently identified role in nonsyndromic iRD.

Genetics in Medicine
Robrecht Cannoodt
Robrecht Cannoodt
Data Science Engineer

R is a horrible language, and I love it (ever since tidyverse, at least).